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Graffiti Removal

Montana Cans

'Live the Life'

I've been using Montana Cans spray paint for almost ten years. I'm brand loyal. Yet I've never seen any ads for it. So I made some.

MC_Magazine Art Director Edit.png

Ignore the page on the right. I had to make it look like a real magazine. Or read it, I mean I did write stuff there, and who am I to tell you how to live your life? Be a rebel and read it, "live the life" wink wink.


So artists use Squiggle Grids to plan out murals. Basically, you just paint a bunch of nonsense on the wall, take a photo of it, then place your design over the top and voila, you know where to paint the elements in your piece. People who paint murals, the target demographic, will understand. Surely.


P.S. Those are my real pants

AD: Spencer McCarty | CW: Also Spencer McCarty

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